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As division ratchets up in Dalton, two citizen petitions seeking a vote

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As division ratchets up in Dalton, two citizen petitions seeking a vote of no confidence in a selectman and a new approach to the proposed landfill host community agreement (HCA) with Casella Waste Systems are going to a special town vote on Thursday. Both petitioned warrant articles, which surpassed the minimum number of 50 resident signatures, were submitted to the town on Dec. 9. The first seeks that it be the policy of the town that the Select Board not enter into any agreement with Casella unless a committee consisting of members of the Select Board, planning board, and conservation commission negotiates and develops the agreement on behalf of the town and that the agreement is approved by voters at town meeting. The petition follows concerns voiced by residents that Casella has been in the driver’s seat regarding the HCA and the required permits for what the company is calling the Granite State Landfill LLC, which have yet to be approved by regulators. Per the article, the committee would engage in legal counsel, and experts experienced in such agreements to help negotiate the best possible deal for the town. The final agreement would be voted on by the committee and would require a simple majority vote at town meeting.

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